Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Introduction, J. Shen et al 3D articulated object understanding, learning and recognition from 2D images, P.S.P. Wang on geometric and orthogonal moments, J. Shen et al multispectral image processing - the nature factor, W.R. Watkins detection of sea surface small targets in infrared images based on multilevel filter and minimum risk Bayes test, Y.-S. Moon et al minimum description length method for facet matching, S. Maybank and R. Fraile an integrated vision system for ALV navigation, X. Ye et al fuzzy Bayesian networks - a general formalism for representation, inference and learning with hybrid Bayesian networks, H. Pan and L. Liu extraction of bibliography information based on image of book cover, H. Yang et al radar target recognition based on parametrized high resolution range profiles, X. Liao and Z. Bao.