Observational and modeling study of a mesoscale convective system during the HyMeX — SOP1

Abstract An intense and fast moving convective line that crossed Massif Central/Cevennes-Vivarais area (south France) during the field campaign of Hydrological Cycle in Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX) — Special Observing Period 1 (SOP1) is examined. The mesoscale analysis demonstrates a complex convective system with a V-shape in the Infrared (IR) satellite imagery and a squall line pattern on the radar imagery. Ground stations observed up to 60 mm h− 1 of rain accumulation, while the lightning activity, as observed by 4 detection networks, was also exceptionally high. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to simulate this convective episode and sensitivity tests were performed with various microphysics and convective parameterization schemes. Satellite data from Meteosat SEVIRI Rapid Scanning Service were used in conjunction with radar, lightning and rain gauge data to conclude on the best simulation for which WRF model exhibits a rather precise and realistic distribution and evolution of the precipitation patterns. Finally, a study of the microphysics was performed indicating the interconnection of graupel with lightning activity, confirming recent results, compared against a sophisticated hydrometeor classification radar algorithm and lightning data.

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