Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, typical and atypical.

I WOULD be unloading coals on Newcastle most inappropriately if I attempted to eulogize Dr. Bedell before this audience. Yet I cannot forbear mentioning, as so many others have done previously, the unique role he has played in American ophthalmology. His contributions to teaching, his pioneer development of fundus photography, his insistence on organizational protocol, and his influence in many ways—all these we associate with the name of Bedell. We may inscribe his name with those of Jackson, Knapp, deSchweinitz, Woods, and Verhoeff as the strong men in ophthalmology of the first half of this century. We have inherited the products of their labors. It is a pleasure to pay Dr. Bedell my respects and to acknowledge the great honor of being asked to present one of his named lectures. Definitions and Scope Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is a distinct clinical and pathologic entity in which a triad of symptoms is associated