Computational Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures

1 FINITE ELEMENTS OVERVIEW Modeling Basics Discretization Outline Elements Material Behavior Weak Equilibrium and Spatial Discretization Numerical Integration and Solution Methods for Algebraic Systems Convergence 2 UNIAXIAL STRUCTURAL CONCRETE BEHAVIOR Scales and Short-Term Stress-Strain Behavior of Homogenized Concrete Long-Term Behavior - Creep and Imposed Strains Reinforcing Steel Stress-Strain Behavior Bond between Concrete and Reinforcing Steel The Smeared Crack Model The Reinforced Tension Bar Tension Stiffening of Reinforced Tension Bar 3 STRUCTURAL BEAMS AND FRAMES Cross-Sectional Behavior 1 Kinematics - 2 Linear Elastic Behavior - 3 Cracked Reinforced Concrete Behavior - 4 Compressive Zone and Internal Forces - 5 Linear Concrete Compressive Behavior with Reinforcement - 6 Nonlinear Behavior of Concrete and Reinforcement Equilibrium of Beams Finite Element Types for Plane Beams 1 Basics - 2 Finite Elements for the Bernoulli Beam - 3 Finite Elements for the Timoshenko Beam - 4 System Building and Solution Methods - 5 Elementwise Integration - 6 Transformation and Assemblage - 7 Kinematic Boundary Conditions and Solution Further Aspects of Reinforced Concrete 1 Creep - 2 Temperature and Shrinkage - 3 Tension Stiffening - 4 Shear Stiffness for Reinforced Cracked Concrete Sections Prestressing Large Deformations and Second-Order Analysis Dynamics of Beams 4 STRUT-AND-TIE MODELS Elastic Plate Solutions Modeling Solution Methods for Trusses Rigid-Plastic Truss Models More Application Aspects 5 MULTIAXIAL CONCRETE MATERIAL BEHAVIOR Basics 1 Continua and Scales - 2 Characteristics of Concrete Behavior Continuum Mechanics 1 Displacements and Strains - 2 Stresses and Material Laws - 3 Coordinate Transformations and Principal States Isotropy, Linearity, and Orthotropy 1 Isotropy and Linear Elasticity - 2 Orthotropy - 3 Plane Stress and Strain Nonlinear Material Behavior 1 Tangential Stiffness - 2 Principal Stress Space and Isotropic Strength - 3 Strength of Concrete - 4 Phenomenological Approach for the Biaxial Anisotropic Stress-Strain Behavior Isotropic Plasticity 1 A Framework for Multiaxial Elastoplasticity - 2 Pressure-Dependent Yield Functions Isotropic Damage Multiaxial Crack Modeling 1 Basic Concepts of Crack Modeling - 2 Multiaxial Smeared Crack Model The Microplane Model Localization and Regularization 1 Mesh Dependency - 2 Regularization - 3 Gradient Damage General Requirements for Material Laws 6 PLATES Lower Bound Limit Analysis 1 The General Approach - 2 Reinforced Concrete Contributions - 3 A Design Approach Crack Modeling Linear Stress-Strain Relations with Cracking 2D Modeling of Reinforcement and Bond Embedded Reinforcement 7 SLABS A Placement Cross-Sectional Behavior 1 Kinematic and Kinetic Basics - 2 Linear Elastic Behavior - 3 Reinforced Cracked Sections Equilibrium of Slabs 1 Strong Equilibrium - 2 Weak Equilibrium - 3 Decoupling Structural Slab Elements 1 Area Coordinates - 2 A Triangular Kirchhoff Slab Element System Building and Solution Methods Lower Bound Limit Analysis 1 General Approach and Principal Moments - 2 Design Approach for Bending - 3 Design Approach for Shear Kirchhof Slabs with Nonlinear Material Behavior 8 SHELLS Approximation of Geometry and Displacements Approximation of Deformations Shell Stresses and Material Laws System Building Slabs and Beams as a Special Case Locking Reinforced Concrete Shells 1 The Layer Model - 2 Slabs as Special Case - 3 The Plastic Approach 9 RANDOMNESS AND RELIABILITY Basics of Uncertainty and Randomness Failure Probability Design and Safety Factors 10 APPENDICES A Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equation Systems B Crack Width Estimation C Transformations of Coordinate Systems D Regression Analysis E Reliability with Multivariate Random Variables F Programs and Example Data