Bifurcation phenomena near homoclinic systems: A two-parameter analysis

The bifurcations of periodic orbits in a class of autonomous three-variable, nonlinear-differential-equation systems possessing a homoclinic orbit associated with a saddle focus with eigenvalues (ρ ±iω,λ), where ¦ρ/λ¦ < 1 (Sil'nikov's condition), are studied in a two-parameter space. The perturbed homoclinic systems undergo a countable set of tangent bifurcations followed by period-doubling bifurcations leading to periodic orbits which may be attractors if ¦ρ/λ¦ < 1/2. The accumulation rate of the critical parameter values at the homoclinic system is exp(-2π¦ρ/ω¦). A global mechanism for the onset of homoclinicity in strongly contractive flows is analyzed. Cusp bifurcations with bistability and hysteresis phenomena exist locally near the onset of homoclinicity. A countable set of these cusp bifurcations with scaling properties related to the eigenvaluesρ±iω of the stationary state are shown to occur in infinitely contractive flows. In the two-parameter space, the periodic orbit attractor domain exhibits a spiral structure globally, around the set of homoclinic systems, in which all the different periodic orbits are continuously connected.