Сравнительная оценка точности оттисков для ортопедического лечения дефектов твердых тканей зубов искусственными коронками
The article presents data on the accuracy of impressions, which are obtained in the treatment of defects of hard tissues of teeth with dental crowns. Comparative evaluation was conducted by comparing the size of casts and prosthetic space. As a result of experimental investigations have revealed differences in linear sizes of casts, depending on the method of impression and the kind of the impression material. The study showed higher accuracy of casts obtained for impressions of polyester monophase impression material, and least accurate when using a C-silicone. Comparative evaluation methods produce impressions showed that the greatest error is typical for a group of C-silicones when using one-step method for obtaining impressions or for a group of A-silicones when using a two-stage procedure. Differences in accuracy of the size of the transmission between the prosthetic seat impression materials are caused by different physic chemical properties of the materials themselves as well, it was found to affect the accuracy and spatial dimensions transmission prosthetic seat method for obtaining impressions themselves.