The Influence of Teaching Methods on Student Achievement on Virginia's End of Course Standards of Learning Test for Algebra I

90 3.07** *p<.10, **p<.05 Leclerc, Bertrand, and Dufour (1986) examined the relationship between certain teaching practices and the educational achievement of students learning algebra for the first time. In this case, the teaching practices used as independent variables for multiple regression analysis were recorded in a series of observations. The researchers allowed their observations to guide the naming of categories for teaching practices. The dependent variable was the teachers’ class mean scores on a researcher-designed algebra posttest adjusted for pretest scores. Of the several teacher behaviors observed, two, teacher academic instructional discourse and lecturing using materials, showed the largest positive coefficient of determination (R=.37). In a similar study, Seifert and Beck (1984) examined the relationship between student achievement and several teaching approaches by observing and coding behaviors of the teachers