Time Resolved Near Field (TRNF) diagnostic four-frame nanosecond gated hybrid CMOS image sensor

Characterization data for the Icarus 2 hybrid-CMOS (hCMOS) imager using near-infrared (NIR) laser pulses is presented. The Icarus 2 hCMOS imagers are four-frame burst mode cameras, with a 1024 x 512 pixel array and 25μm spatial resolution. Designed and built by Sandia National Laboratory for the Ultra-Fast X-ray Imager (UXI) program where they have been used to capture X-ray images at LLNL’s National Ignition Facility and during HED physics experiments. Temporal and spatial characterization is performed using NIR, 1053nm and 1064nm, laser pulses ranging from 43-ps to 20ns. Specific results include gate response, internal reflections, off-gate sensitivity, side-to-side timing skew, and response to a characteristic NIF-like laser pulse. Comparisons between a commercial gated, intensified CCD camera and a commercial time-integrated CMOS camera are included when relevant.