Recording of auditory evoked potentials in man using chronic subdural electrodes.

With the aid of chronic subdural electrodes we have been able to record from the posterior banks of the sylvian fissure, auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) that had morphologies and peak latencies compatible with the primary AEPs described by Celesia and Puletti (1969). These AEPs had amplitudes that were not only affected by the side of stimulus presentation but were maximal in an area close to the primary auditory cortex. The AEPs also displayed an extremely steep spatial gradient and were not altered by pentobarbitone sodium and nitrous oxide anaesthesia. Together, these properties suggest that these subdurally recorded potentials are near-field evoked potentials from the primary auditory cortex. The focal nature of these potentials also allows them to be used as effective electrophysiological tools for localization of the primary auditory cortex in patients.