Laboratory histopathology : a complete reference

SECTION I PRECAUTIONS, HAZARDS and LABORATORY SAFETY: General Aspects. Safety in the Histopathology Laboratory SECTION II INSTRUMENTATION: Light Microscope. Electron Microscope SECTION III LABORATORY ADMINISTRATION and SPECIMEN MANAGEMENT: Laboratory Management Information Systems. Specimen Collection and Handling Techniques SECTION IV TISSUE and SECTION PREPARATION: Fixation. Tissue Processing. Resin Embedding (For Light Microscopy). Microtomy. Rapid Techniques and Their Application SECTION V DYES and REGULAR STAINING PROCEDURES: Dyes and Mechanisms of Staining. Haematoxylins and Counterstains. Mountants SECTION VI PROCEDURES for SPECIFIC SUBSTANCES: Amyloid. Cytoplasmic Organelles, Secretory Granules. Lipids. Metachromasia. Micro-Organisms. Mucin Histochemistry. Nucleic Acids. Pigments and Minerals. Silver Impregnation SECTION VII PROCEDURES for SPECIFIC TISSUES: Connective Tissues. Bone. Neuroendocrine Tissues. Neuromuscular Tissue SECTION VIII METHODS for TISSUE MARKERS and PRODUCTS: Immunopathology. Lectin Histochemistry. Enzyme Histochemistry. Autoradiography. Molecular Biotechniques SECTION IX TRANSMISSION and SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY: Tissue Preparation. Specialised Techniques. Diagnostic and Other Applications SECTION X CYTOPATHOLOGY: Cytopreparatory Techniques. Screening. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology SECTION XI IMAGE INTERPRETATION and ANALYSIS: Artefacts. Morphology and Image Analysis SECTION XII COLLECTION and EXHIBITION of TISSUES: Autopsy Procedures. Forms of Tissue Display /