Robust Blind- Video Watermarking against MPEG-4 Scalable Video Coding and Multimedia Transcoding

A blind video watermarking scheme for providing safety, authenticity, and copyright protection is proposed in this paper, which is robust to MPEG-4 SVC and multimedia transcoding. In proposed method, embedding and detecting of watermark is performed based on base layer with considering spatial SVC. To be robust from temporal SVC, our method embeds repeatedly a permutated character with ordering number per one frame. Also for robustness from multimedia transcoding and FGS, the method is embedded watermark in low middle frequency of each frame adaptively based on DCT in ROI. Through experimental results, invisibility of the watermark is confirmed and robustness of the watermark against the spatial SVC, temporal SVC, FGS and video transcoding between MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 SVC is also verified.