Time-domain finite element modeling of antenna arrays with distributed feed network

Numerical simulation has become an indispensable tool for the design and optimization of complex antenna systems. In an advanced antenna system multiple antenna elements are usually arranged into a certain array configuration, driven through a feed network whose major function is to distribute the input signal from the signal generator to the radiating elements and combine the signals received by the antenna elements. Complicated interactions could occur between the antennas and the feed network, which affect the overall performances of the entire radiation system. On the one hand, a well-designed feed network with a good control on the signal distribution enables the antenna system to have desired radiation characteristics. On the other hand, multiple interactions resulting from signals traveling back and forth between radiating and feed structures could lead to undesired mutual couplings and give rise to secondary radiations that deteriorate the system performance. Consequently, accurate modeling of the interactions between the antennas and the feed network is essential and must be taken into consideration for optimizing the performance of the antenna system.