Floods and Storms Practical Exercises

Abstract These computer-based practical exercises compliment the preceding chapters by allowing users to put into practice some of the ideas they have been reading about. The tasks in this chapter introduce users to numerical flood modeling using both test data and a real-life example. In Task 1 users explore the effects as well as pros and cons of including varying degrees of physical complexity in flood modeling by simulating a simple test case using the four different two-dimensional solvers available in LISFLOOD-FP. In Task 2 users model river and floodplain dynamics using a real-world example reach. The different ways in which LISFLOOD-FP represents river channels in simulations are introduced and results are evaluated quantitatively by comparison with satellite data. Additional exercises are available in electronic form covering a wider range of themes. These guide users through the creation of risk maps and estimation of uncertainty and begin to consider flood prevention measures.