Quality Characteristics of Canned Boiled Oyster and Canned Boiled Oyster in Bamboo Salt in Various Sterilization Conditions

Abstract Oysters, especially are excellent source of several mineral including iron, zinc and selenium, which are often low in the mordern diet. They are also an excellent source of glycogen, vitamin B12 and considered the healthiest when eaten raw on the half shell in good tasted season from November to March.This study was investigated for the purpose of obtaining basic data which can be applied to processing of two kinds of canned boiled oyster (canned boiled oyster, canned boiled oyster in bamboo salt). Shucked oyster meat was cooked in steam (15min) after washing with water, filled 90g into can (301-3), added with salt solution and then precooked for 10 min. at 100℃. Canned boiled oyster was added 1.5% salt solution 60mL. Canned boiled oyster in bamboo salt was added 0.5% salt solution 30mL and 0.7% bamboo salt solution 30mL. The cans were seamed using a vacuum seamer, and then sterilized for various Fo values (Fo 8~12 min.) in a steam system retort at 116℃, 118℃. Viable bacterial count, proximate composition, pH, salinity, yield, VBN, amino-N, TBA, mineral, color value, free amino acid, hardness and sensory evaluation of two kinds of canned boiled oyster produced at various sterilization condition (Fo 8~12 min.) were measured after divide to meat and juice. The results showed that canned boiled oyster in bamboo salt sterilized at Fo 8 min. was the most desirable because this condition is the most economical and tasty.Key words : Oyster, Canned boiled oyster, Canned boiled oyster in bamboo salt, Sterilization, Fo value Corresponding author : 055-772-9141, kimjeonggyun@nate.com

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