CZ SMT AG produced large off-axis EUV mirrors as they are used e.g. in ASML's alpha demo tools, the predecessor for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL) production tools by ASML. The coating development and a large part of the actual coatings were done by the FOM-Institute. The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) operates an EUV reflectometry facility at the electron storage ring BESSY II for at-wavelength metrology of full-size EUVL optics with a weight of up to 50 kg and a diameter of 550 mm. Critical issues for EUVL mirrors are the high reflectivity close to the theoretical limit, the matching of the period to the operating wavelength of the stepper (13.5 nm) and the imaging properties of the EUV optics. The full multilayer stack needs to be controlled laterally to such extend that the initial sub-nanometre surface figure of the substrate is preserved. The so-called added figure error should not exceed 100 pm in order to ensure faultless imaging at 13.5 nm wavelength. Here, we discuss representative results obtained at large off-axis EUV mirrors. We especially discuss the challenges of measurements at higher local angles of incidence according to the optical design and the accuracy needed in sample alignment for measurement of the coating profiles. PTB has shown excellent reproducibility for measurements of the near normal incidence reflectance of flat homogeneous mirrors over several years. For large off-axis EUV mirrors, measurements have to be done at angles significantly off normal, which dramatically increases the influence of angular alignment errors of the sample on the measured peak wavelength. Furthermore, according to the optical design, these optics have gradients of the coating thickness which require exact knowledge of the measurement position in the mirror coordinates. Extensive studies were done to estimate and validate the uncertainties connected to the sample alignment. Our results clearly show that it is possible to meet and verify the tight specifications for the lateral coating profiles of EUV multilayer mirrors. The non-correctable added figure error is significantly better than required and the overall reflectance of the coatings with a special protective capping layer is 65%.
Hans Meiling,et al.
Progress in the ASML EUV program
SPIE Advanced Lithography.
Frank Scholze,et al.
High-accuracy EUV metrology of PTB using synchrotron radiation
SPIE Advanced Lithography.
F. Bijkerk,et al.
Multilayer coatings for the EUVL process development tool
SPIE Advanced Lithography.
Frank Scholze,et al.
Characterization of the PTB EUV reflectometry facility for large EUVL optical components
SPIE Advanced Lithography.
Eric M. Gullikson,et al.
Recent developments in EUV reflectometry at the Advanced Light Source
SPIE Advanced Lithography.
F. Bijkerk,et al.
Enhanced performance of EUV multilayer coatings
SPIE Optics + Photonics.
Hans Meiling,et al.
Development of the ASML EUV alpha demo tool
SPIE Advanced Lithography.
Markus Rupp,et al.
Fabrication and metrology of diffraction limited soft x-ray optics for the EUV microlithography
SPIE Optics + Photonics.