Indikation und Ergebnisse der operativen Behandlung neuromuskulrer Skoliosen

The results of the operative treatment of 44 patients suffering from a neuromuscular scoliosis are presented. Only multisegmental procedures - also in combination with anterior methods - should be used to avoid a postoperative care with cast or brace. By means of the operation an average correction of the curves of 50.7% was achieved. The preoperative mean angle was 75.1 degrees, postoperatively a mean angle of 37.0 degrees (mean correction of 38.1 degrees) was determined. The preoperative angle, the duration of the operations, the blood loss and the quantity of the complications are higher than in idiopathic scolioses. As a result of the known tendency of deterioration in neuromuscular scolioses, the members of the Arbeitskreis Skoliose of the German Orthopaedic Society (DGOT) recommend an early operation (in progressing curves over 20 degrees) in patients suffering from a muscular dystrophy Duchenne.