Alternating Currents

IN the books under notice a full explanatory syllabus is given of the lectures delivered to third-year students in the Engineering Laboratory at Cambridge. The volumes are meant primarily to be a help to the student when writing up his lectures. They will also be useful to teachers in technical schools, as the diagrams are beautifully clear, the descriptions are good, and many of the proofs given are very neat. The notation and nomenclature are practically international. “Effective,” however, is now preferred to “virtual.” Personally we prefer “sine-shaped” to “sinoidal,” and “not sine-shaped” to “non-sine.”Alternating Currents.By G. C. Lamb. Part I. Pp. viii+73. 5s. 6d. net. Part II. Pp. viii+127. 7s. 6d. net. (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1921.)