Monitoringremote electrical substations distributed alloverthecountry canincurcapital costthat generally difficult tojustify. Fortunately, current cellular telephone technology canreduce thecapital outlay required tomonitor suchsubstations. Further costreduction canbe achieved withtheadoption ofalowcostfield programmable logic array(FPGA)technology. FPGAcanbeemployed asa computing engine toprovide supervisory control andother functionalities totheseremotesubstation installations. An integrated substation supervisory control systemcanconsist ofremotenodesthatmade-upofFPGAbasedhardware and autonomous server computers located intheregional offices. Theseremotenodescanexchange messages withtheservers overa cellular network, thusavoiding thecapital cost neededforbuilding a newcommunication infra-structure. Theserver canbeelected asacall centre todispatch short messagesautomatically to themaintenance crewsin response torequests received fromtheremotenodesinthe caseofelectrical equipment breakdowns. Keywords-Field programmable logicarrays(FPGA); substation automation; supervisory control (SCADA); GSM modem;short messages.
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