Renewable energy sources from Moringa oleifera seed oil: A rich source of oil for Bio diesel

The increasing demand of petrochemical fuels all over the world and their negative impact on the environment has led to increased research and development of renewable energy sources. Bio fuels as a transportation fuel will play a very vital role in near future. Bio fuels produced as vegetable oil from plants, burning leads to a complete recyclable carbon di oxide, which reduces green house effect. The use of vegetable oils like hemp, Jatropha, sesame, mahua and a mixed vegetable oil have been studied by a number of researchers in diesel engine for suitability as an alternative fuel. This study presents drum stick (Moringa oleifera) seed oil as a sustainable source of renewable energy for biodiesel production. The seeds yield 38-40% of oil. The fatty acid profile of seed oil was examined. The saponification value, Iodine value, acid value, viscosity index of seed oil was determined. These values were compared with the