Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Electronic commerce
These proceedings present the technical contributions to the 8th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce EC'07, held June 11-15, 2007, at the Federated Computer Research Conference in San Diego, California, USA. Since its inception in 1999, ACM EC has served as the leading scientific conference on advances in theory, systems, and applications for electronic commerce. The natural focus of the conference is on computer science issues, but the conference is interdisciplinary and addresses many facets of electronic commerce including (1) theory and foundations; (2) languages; (3) automation, personalization, and targeting; (4) security, privacy, encryption, and digital rights; (5) applications and empirical studies; and (6) social factors. In addition to the main technical program, EC'07 featured three workshops and four tutorials.
The call for papers attracted 154 submissions from academia and industry around the world, including Africa, Asia, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, and the United States. Each paper was reviewed by at least three program committee members on the basis of scientific novelty, technical quality, and importance to the field. The program committee selected 42 papers for presentation at the conference, of which 40 are published in the proceedings. At the authors' request, only abstracts for the remaining papers are included along with pointers to full versions of these "working papers". This accommodates the practices of fields outside of computer science in which journal rather than conference publishing is the norm and conference publishing sometimes precludes journal publishing. Several papers were invited to a special issue of Games and Economic Behavior. Moshe Tennenholtz (Technion University) will join David Parkes as a guest editor of this special issue and invited papers will be subject to a thorough round of additional review. In addition, a couple of papers will be invited for fast-track journal publication in the ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB).