Mobile cloud computing usage for onboard vehicle servers in collecting disaster data information

During large-scale disasters, such as the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 or Kumamoto huge Earthquake in 2016, many regions were isolated from critical information exchanges due to problems with communication infrastructures. In those serious disasters, quick and flexible disaster recovery network is required to deliver the disaster related information after disaster. In this paper, mobile cloud computing for vehicle server for information exchange among isolated shelters in such cases is introduced. The vehicle with mobile cloud server traverses the isolated shelters and exchanges information and returns to the disaster headquarter which is connected to Internet. DTN function is introduced to store, carry and exchange message as a message ferry among the shelters even in the challenged network environment where wired and wireless communication means are completely damaged. The prototype system is constructed using Wi-Fi network as mobility network and a note PC mobile cloud server and IBR-DTN and DTN2 software as the DTN function.