That e-Government can be innovative, adequate implementation structures must be developed. First what is needed and what should be implemented must be defined respectively. If this is clear, who is responsible for the implementation and who is affected by the innovation must be defined respectively.
In this paper we will present the DYONIPOS Innovation Framework which is mainly based on cooperation of science and practice, the integration of all effected stakeholders in the development process and which is also based on a holistic view of the problem. The DYONIPOS innovation framework should contribute to successful and contemporary implementation user-friendly e-Government applications. In the first section, the current research methods in the domain of e-Government are shortly addressed. Furthermore the wish of experts for more cooperation between research, economy and administration is expressed. Through this joint venture the visions in the domain of e-Government should be implemented. The "Open Innovation" approach which has already provided innovations in the free economy is described and critically questioned in the second subchapter. In the third subchapter the "stakeholder integration" as well as the "holistic approach" are addressed. Through these two methods, many e-Government projects could already be successfully finished. In the forth section, the research and use-case project are introduced. The objective of the DYONIPOS project is the implementation of an assistant which supports the knowledge workers proactively in their daily work. In section five the DYONIPOS innovation framework is described.
The DYONIPOS Innovation Framework has already proven its applicability through the successful implementation of the user-friendly prototype DYONIPOS.
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Josef Makolm,et al.
Proactive knowledge management: the DYONIPOS research and use-case project
Josef Makolm,et al.
A Holistic Reference Framework for e-Government: The Practical Proof of a Scientific Concept
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'06).