Protection of large partitioned MTDC Networks Using DC-DC converters and circuit breakers

This paper proposes a DC fault protection strategy for large multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) network where MMC based DC-DC converter is configured at strategic locations to allow the large MTDC network to be operated interconnected but partitioned into islanded DC network zones following faults. Each DC network zone is protected using either AC circuit breakers coordinated with DC switches or slow mechanical type DC circuit breakers to minimize the capital cost. In case of a DC fault event, DC-DC converters which have inherent DC fault isolation capability provide ‘firewall’ between the faulty and healthy zones such that the faulty DC network zone can be quickly isolated from the remaining of the MTDC network to allow the healthy DC network zones to remain operational. The validity of the proposed protection arrangement is confirmed using MATLAB/SIMULINK simulations.

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