Non-linear numerical modelling of aircraft impact

Abstract Non-linear, explicit, finite element models were generated to predict the response of aircraft impacting into concrete runways and soil surfaces or reinforced concrete, steel lined shelters. Previously, simplified methods were used to represent the forces resulting from an aircraft crash. Models of C-130 and C-141 aircraft were developed for a Defence Threat Reduction Agency sponsored safety assessment. The purpose of the calculations was to senerate the internal aircraft and structural environments for the safety assessment as a result of the aircraft impacts into shelters and onto soil and runway surfaces. “Riera-type” loadings were also used to determine the general capacity and failure modes of the impacted structures. Finite element C-130 and C-141 models were then used to impact the shelters with the same aircraft weight and velocity. Three explicit calculations were run to compare the shelter responses. One case did not fail the shelter and two cases - one C-I30 and the C-141 did. Details of the difference in results using the simplified loading and explicit aircraft impact modelling are presented as well as crash results into runways and soils.