Manpower needs and supply in academic pathology.

A survey of manpower supply and need in academic pathology departments was conducted by the Joint Task Force on Pathology Manpower of the College of American Pathologists, the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, and the Association of Pathology Chairmen by means of questionnaires distributed to chairmen and faculty of all departments of pathology and laboratory medicine in the United States. Of the 136 departments, responses were obtained from 131 (96%) chairmen and from 1,561 (45%) faculty members. The current total need for faculty members (funded vacant positions) is 272, and the projected aggregate need over the next five years is 693 members for new and replacement positions. The greatest needs are for research MD pathologists and surgical pathologists, followed by autopsy and chemical pathologists. Based on the estimate of current pathology trainees planning academic careers, there is a strong indication that the projected supply of MD pathologists is significantly less than the anticipated demand.