Drift-Free, 50 A, 10 kV 4H-SiC PiN Diodes with Improved Device Yields

The path to commericializing a 4H-SiC power PiN diode has faced many difficult challenges. In this work, we report a 50 A, 10 kV 4H-SiC PiN diode technology where good crystalline quality and high carrier lifetime of the material has enabled a high yielding process with VF as low as 3.9 V @ 100 A/cm2. Furthermore, incorporation of two independent basal plane dislocation reduction processes (LBPD 1 and LBPD 2) have produced a large number of devices that exhibit a high degree of forward voltage stability with encouraging reverse blocking capability. This results in a total yield (forward, 10 kV blocking, and drift) of >20% for 8.7 mm x 8.7 mm power PiN diode chips—the largest SiC chip reported to date.