Nature and operation of attitudes.

This survey of attitude theory and research published between 1996 and 1999 covers the conceptualization of attitude, attitude formation and activation, attitude structure and function, and the attitude-behavior relation. Research regarding the expectancy-value model of attitude is considered, as are the roles of accessible beliefs and affective versus cognitive processes in the formation of attitudes. The survey reviews research on attitude strength and its antecedents and consequences, and covers progress made on the assessment of attitudinal ambivalence and its effects. Also considered is research on automatic attitude activation, attitude functions, and the relation of attitudes to broader values. A large number of studies dealt with the relation between attitudes and behavior. Research revealing additional moderators of this relation is reviewed, as are theory and research on the link between intentions and actions. Most work in this context was devoted to issues raised by the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior. The present review highlights the nature of perceived behavioral control, the relative importance of attitudes and subjective norms, the utility of adding more predictors, and the roles of prior behavior and habit.

[1]  L. L. Thurstone,et al.  The measurement of social attitudes. , 1931 .

[2]  C. Osgood,et al.  The Measurement of Meaning , 1958 .

[3]  M. Fishbein An Investigation of the Relationships between Beliefs about an Object and the Attitude toward that Object , 1963 .

[4]  V. Nowlis Research with the mood adjective checklist , 1965 .

[5]  John P. Robinson,et al.  Measures of political attitudes , 1970 .

[6]  I. Ajzen,et al.  Belief, Attitude, Intention, and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research , 1977 .

[7]  P. Bentler,et al.  Models of attitude–behavior relations. , 1979 .

[8]  I. Ajzen,et al.  Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior , 1980 .

[9]  R. Mayer My many mistakes with microcomputers. , 1980 .

[10]  R. Zajonc Feeling and thinking : Preferences need no inferences , 1980 .

[11]  G. Clore,et al.  Mood, misattribution, and judgments of well-being: Informative and directive functions of affective states. , 1983 .

[12]  Frank R. Kardes,et al.  On the automatic activation of attitudes. , 1986 .

[13]  J. Dovidio,et al.  The aversive form of racism. , 1986 .

[14]  R. Budd Predicting Cigarette Use: The Need to Incorporate Measures of Salience in the Theory of Reasoned Action1,2 , 1986 .

[15]  R. Fazio,et al.  On the automatic activation of attitudes. , 1986, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[16]  E. Higgins,et al.  Self-discrepancy: a theory relating self and affect. , 1987, Psychological review.

[17]  Don Steinberg,et al.  Deductive reasoning , 1989 .

[18]  R. Bornstein Exposure and affect: Overview and meta-analysis of research, 1968–1987. , 1989 .

[19]  C. Steele,et al.  Alcohol myopia. Its prized and dangerous effects. , 1990, The American psychologist.

[20]  J. Levine,et al.  Progress in Small Group Research , 1990 .

[21]  I. Ajzen The theory of planned behavior , 1991 .

[22]  S. Chaiken,et al.  The generality of the automatic attitude activation effect. , 1992, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[23]  David H. Demo THE SELF-CONCEPT OVER TIME: Research Issues and Directions , 1992 .

[24]  S. Schwartz Universals in the Content and Structure of Values: Theoretical Advances and Empirical Tests in 20 Countries , 1992 .

[25]  S. Chaiken,et al.  The psychology of attitudes. , 1993 .

[26]  S. Fiske Social cognition and social perception. , 1993, Annual review of psychology.

[27]  J. Krosnick,et al.  Attitude strength: One construct or many related constructs? , 1993 .

[28]  J. Cacioppo,et al.  Relationship between attitudes and evaluative space: A critical review, with emphasis on the separability of positive and negative substrates. , 1994 .

[29]  Mahzarin R. Banaji,et al.  The Self in Social Contexts , 1994 .

[30]  M. Zanna,et al.  Let's not be indifferent about (attitudinal) ambivalence. , 1995 .

[31]  J. N. Bassili,et al.  Response Latency and the Accessibility of Voting Intentions: What Contributes to Accessibility and How it Affects Vote Choice , 1995 .

[32]  Martin Fishbein,et al.  Noncognitive Effects on Attitude Formation and Change: Fact or Artifact? , 1995 .

[33]  P. Glick,et al.  Ambivalence and Stereotypes Cause Sexual Harassment: A Theory with Implications for Organizational Change , 1995 .

[34]  R. Fazio,et al.  Variability in automatic activation as an unobtrusive measure of racial attitudes: a bona fide pipeline? , 1995, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[35]  M. Banaji,et al.  Implicit social cognition: attitudes, self-esteem, and stereotypes. , 1995, Psychological review.

[36]  W. Mcguire,et al.  Enhancing self-esteem by directed-thinking tasks: cognitive and affective positivity asymmetries. , 1996, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[37]  Robert L. Goldstone,et al.  Reasoning and the weighting of attributes in attitude judgments , 1996 .

[38]  K. Millar,et al.  The Effects of Direct and Indirect Experience on Affective and Cognitive Responses and the Attitude-Behavior Relation , 1996, Journal of experimental social psychology.

[39]  A. Tesser,et al.  The psychology of evaluation. , 1996 .

[40]  M. Hogg,et al.  Group Norms and the Attitude-Behavior Relationship: A Role for Group Identification , 1996 .

[41]  S. Chaiken,et al.  The Automatic Evaluation Effect: Unconditional Automatic Attitude Activation with a Pronunciation Task , 1996 .

[42]  Herbert Bless,et al.  Subjective Experience Versus Content of Information in the Construction of Attitude Judgments , 1996 .

[43]  R. Petty,et al.  The gradual threshold model of ambivalence: relating the positive and negative bases of attitudes to subjective ambivalence. , 1996, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[44]  N. Feather,et al.  Values, deservingness, and attitudes toward high achievers: Research on tall poppies. , 1996 .

[45]  David Trafimow,et al.  The Importance of Attitudes in the Prediction of College Students' Intentions to Drink , 1996 .

[46]  M. Zanna,et al.  On creating value-expressive attitudes: An experimental approach , 1996 .

[47]  Eliot R. Smith,et al.  Accessible attitudes influence categorization of multiply categorizable objects. , 1996, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[48]  Leon Mann,et al.  The effects of attitude, subjective norm and self-efficacy on intention to benchmark: A comparison between managers with experience and no experience in benchmarking. , 1996 .

[49]  Shelly Chaiken,et al.  The Direct Effect of Personal Relevance on Attitudes , 1996 .

[50]  Norbert Schwarz,et al.  Are (some) reports of attitude strength context dependent , 1996 .

[51]  John T. Cacioppo,et al.  Electrocortical Differentiation of Evaluative and Nonevaluative Categorizations , 1996 .

[52]  E. Higgins Knowledge activation: Accessibility, applicability, and salience. , 1996 .

[53]  Bell,et al.  Ambivalence and Persuasion: The Processing of Messages about Immigrant Groups , 1996, Journal of experimental social psychology.

[54]  D. Trafimow,et al.  The Importance of Subjective Norms for a Minority of People: between Subjects and within-Subjects Analyses , 1996 .

[55]  R. Prislin,et al.  Attitude stability and attitude strength: one is enough to make it stable , 1996 .

[56]  R. Petty,et al.  The need to evaluate. , 1996 .

[57]  I. Ajzen,et al.  Application of the theory of planned behavior to adolescents condom use: a panel study. , 1996 .

[58]  J. Ouellette,et al.  When it is Embedded, it is Potent: Effects of General Attitude Embeddedness on Formation of Specific Attitudes and Behavioral Intentions , 1996 .

[59]  G. Clore,et al.  Feelings and phenomenal experiences , 1996 .

[60]  M. Zanna,et al.  Why Common Sense Goes Out the Window: Effects of Alcohol on Intentions to Use Condoms , 1996 .

[61]  M. Conner,et al.  The theory of planned behaviour and health behaviours. , 1996 .

[62]  Shelly Chaiken,et al.  Working Knowledge, Cognitive Processing, and Attitudes: On the Determinants of Bias , 1996 .

[63]  C. Crandall,et al.  Culture, Ideology, and Antifat Attitudes , 1996 .

[64]  E. Higgins,et al.  Principles of Judging Valence: What Makes Events Positive or Negative? , 1996 .

[65]  John T. Cacioppo,et al.  Attitudes to the Right: Evaluative Processing is Associated with Lateralized Late Positive Event-Related Brain Potentials , 1996 .

[66]  J. N. Bassili Meta-judgmental versus operative indexes of psychological attributes: The case of measures of attitude strength. , 1996 .

[67]  S. Oskamp,et al.  Effort as a Moderator of the Attitude-Behavior Relationship: General Environmental Concern and Recycling , 1996 .

[68]  E. E. Simpson,et al.  Children's Decisions About Substance Use: An Application and Extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action1 , 1996 .

[69]  Paul W. Miniard,et al.  The Case for Noncognitive Determinants of Attitude: A Critique of Fishbein and Middlestadt , 1997 .

[70]  Richard Shepherd,et al.  The dimensional structure of the perceived behavioral control construct , 1997 .

[71]  Shirley Taylor,et al.  Understanding the Determinants of Consumer Composting Behavior1 , 1997 .

[72]  Curtis P. Haugtvedt,et al.  Beyond Fact or Artifact: An Assessment of Fishbein and Middlestadt's Perspectives on Attitude Change Processes , 1997 .

[73]  D. O. Sears The impact of self-interest on attitudes--a symbolic politics perspective on differences between survey and experimental findings: comment on Crano (1997). , 1997, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[74]  M. Diehl,et al.  Effects of Attitudinal Ambivalence on Information Processing and Attitude-Intention Consistency☆ , 1997 .

[75]  David Trafimow,et al.  Predicting Health Behaviors From Attitudes and Subjective Norms: Between‐Subjects and Within‐Subjects Analyses , 1997 .

[76]  Jill M. Leibold,et al.  Within-target illusory correlations and the formation of context-dependent attitudes. , 1997, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

[77]  N. Schwarz Moods and Attitude Judgments: A Comment on Fishbein and Middlestadt , 1997 .

[78]  L. Quine,et al.  Attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control as predictors of women's intentions to take hormone replacement therapy , 1997 .

[79]  Is a rose always a rose ? The role of social category exemplar change in attitude stability and attitude-behavior consistency , 1997 .

[80]  J. Priester,et al.  Artifact or Meaningful Theoretical Constructs?: Examining Evidence for Nonbelief- and Belief-Based Attitude Change Processes , 1997 .

[81]  M. Conner,et al.  Eating Sweet Snacks: Gender Differences in Attitudes and Behaviour , 1997, Appetite.

[82]  Melissa Wynan,et al.  Attitudes Toward “Gays in the Military”: A Functional Perspective , 1997 .

[83]  A. Bandura Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control , 1997, Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy.

[84]  Martin Fishbein,et al.  A Striking Lack of Evidence for Nonbelief-Based Attitude Formation and Change: A Response to Five Commentaries , 1997 .

[85]  P. Gollwitzer,et al.  Implementation intentions and effective goal pursuit , 1997 .

[86]  W. Crano Vested interest and symbolic politics--observations and recommendations: reply To Sears (1997). , 1997, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[87]  B. Verplanken,et al.  Habit, information acquisition, and the process of making travel mode choices , 1997 .

[88]  R. Fazio,et al.  Considering the best choice: effects of the salience and accessibility of alternatives on attitude--decision consistency. , 1997, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[89]  P. Lunt,et al.  The relationship between involvement, attitude accessibility and attitude–behaviour consistency , 1997 .

[90]  V. Esses,et al.  Ambivalence and Response Amplification Toward Native Peoples1 , 1997 .

[91]  Duane T. Wegener,et al.  Attitudes and attitude change. , 1997, Annual review of psychology.

[92]  P. Ditto,et al.  Biased Assimilation, Attitude Polarization, and Affect in Reactions to Stereotype-Relevant Scientific Information , 1997 .

[93]  W. Crano Vested interest, symbolic politics, and attitude-behavior consistency. , 1997, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[94]  E. Higgins,et al.  Expectancy × Value Effects: Regulatory Focus as Determinant of Magnitude and Direction , 1997 .

[95]  Daniel J. Whitaker,et al.  The Role of Self-Schema in Linking Intentions with Behavior , 1997 .

[96]  Marten van Dijk,et al.  Affect, attitudes and decisions: Let's be more specific. , 1997 .

[97]  M. Fishbein,et al.  Seeking Social Support in Old Age as Reasoned Action: Structural and Volitional Determinants in a Middle‐Aged Sample of Argentinean Women1 , 1997 .

[98]  V. Braithwaite Harmony and Security Value Orientations in Political Evaluation , 1997 .

[99]  Piotr Winkielman,et al.  Subliminal affective priming resists attributional interventions. , 1997 .

[100]  A. Greenwald,et al.  Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: the implicit association test. , 1998, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[101]  V. Braithwaite The value orientations underlying liberalism-conservatism , 1998 .

[102]  Wendy Wood,et al.  Habit and intention in everyday life: The multiple processes by which past behavior predicts future behavior. , 1998 .

[103]  Derek R. Rutter,et al.  Predicting and understanding safety helmet use among schoolboy cyclists: A comparison of the theory of planned behaviour and the health belief model , 1998 .

[104]  M. Conner,et al.  Addressing mental health problems with the Theory of Planned Behaviour , 1998 .

[105]  Joop van der Pligt,et al.  Anticipated regret and precautionary sexual behavior , 1998 .

[106]  Mark P. Zanna,et al.  On the Primacy of Affect in the Determination of Attitudes and Behavior: The Moderating Role of Affective-Cognitive Ambivalence , 1998 .

[107]  Hideki Ohira,et al.  Effects of Stimulus Valence on Recognition Memory and Endogenous Eyeblinks: Further Evidence for Positive-Negative Asymmetry , 1998 .

[108]  M. Fishbein,et al.  Generalizing behavioral findings across times samples and measures: a study of condom use. , 1998 .

[109]  Peter J. Lang,et al.  Eliciting Affect Using the International Affective Picture System: Trajectories through Evaluative Space , 1998 .

[110]  D. B. Matthews,et al.  The Black-Sheep Effect: How Positive and Negative Advertisements Affect Voters' Perceptions of the Sponsor of the Advertisement1 , 1998 .

[111]  M. Conner,et al.  Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Review and Avenues for Further Research , 1998 .

[112]  Howard G Lavine,et al.  The moderating influence of attitude strength on the susceptibility to context effects in attitude surveys. , 1998 .

[113]  R. Wolitski,et al.  Using the theory of planned behavior to predict intention to use condoms among female sex workers margaret , 1998 .

[114]  B. Verplanken,et al.  Predicting behavior from actions in the past : repeated decision making or a matter of habit? , 1998 .

[115]  Stephen Sutton,et al.  Predicting intentions and use of dental floss among adolescents: An application of the theory of planned behaviour , 1998 .

[116]  Mark Conner,et al.  Psychosocial determinants of ecstasy use in young people in the UK , 1998 .

[117]  P. Gollwitzer,et al.  Metacognition in Action: The Importance of Implementation Intentions , 1998, Personality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.

[118]  A. van Knippenberg,et al.  Habit versus planned behaviour: a field experiment. , 1998, The British journal of social psychology.

[119]  Paul Sparks,et al.  Expectations of reducing fat intake: The role of perceived need within the theory of planned behaviour , 1998 .

[120]  Duane T. Wegener,et al.  Matching Versus Mismatching Attitude Functions: Implications for Scrutiny of Persuasive Messages , 1998 .

[121]  Kate B. Carey,et al.  A Structural Analysis of Attitudes toward Alcohol and Marijuana Use , 1998 .

[122]  T. Pettigrew Intergroup contact theory. , 1998, Annual review of psychology.

[123]  J. Krosnick,et al.  Development of attitude strength over the life cycle: surge and decline. , 1998, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[124]  Mark P. Zanna,et al.  Cross-Dimension Ambivalence toward Social Groups: Can Ambivalence Affect Intentions to Hire Feminists? , 1998 .

[125]  D. Trafimow,et al.  Some tests of the distinction between attitude and perceived behavioural control. , 1998, The British journal of social psychology.

[126]  C. G. Lord,et al.  Cognitive Load and Positive Mood Reduce Typicality Effects in Attitude-Behavior Consistency , 1998 .

[127]  Y. Trope,et al.  The role of feasibility and desirability considerations in near and distant future decisions: A test of temporal construal theory. , 1998 .

[128]  Paul Sparks,et al.  Self‐Identity and the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Useful Addition or an Unhelpful Artifice?1 , 1998 .

[129]  J. Russell,et al.  Independence and bipolarity in the structure of current affect. , 1998 .

[130]  J. N. Bassili,et al.  On the Representation of Strong and Weak Attitudes About Policy in Memory , 1998 .

[131]  Joop van der Pligt,et al.  Belief Importance in Expectancy-Value Models of Attitudes , 1998 .

[132]  M. Conner,et al.  Understanding drug compliance in a psychiatric population: An application of the theory of planned behaviour , 1998 .

[133]  Bas Verplanken,et al.  Accessibility of affective versus cognitive components of attitudes. , 1998 .

[134]  K. Millar,et al.  The Effects of Prior Experience and Thought on the Attitude-Behavior Relation , 1998 .

[135]  S. Sutton Predicting and Explaining Intentions and Behavior: How Well Are We Doing? , 1998 .

[136]  Steve Hinkle,et al.  Psychological Attachment to the Group: Cross-Cultural Differences in Organizational Identification and Subjective Norms as Predictors of Workers' Turnover Intentions , 1998 .

[137]  S. Chaiken,et al.  Attitude structure and function. , 1998 .

[138]  Jeff T. Larsen,et al.  Negative information weighs more heavily on the brain: the negativity bias in evaluative categorizations. , 1998, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[139]  A. Eagly Attitudes and the processing of attitude-relevant information , 1998 .

[140]  David Trafimow,et al.  How Priming the Private Self or Collective Self Affects the Relative Weights of Attitudes and Subjective Norms , 1998 .

[141]  P. Sheeran,et al.  Do intentions predict condom use? Meta-analysis and examination of six moderator variables. , 1998, The British journal of social psychology.

[142]  Bogdan Wojciszke,et al.  On the Dominance of Moral Categories in Impression Formation , 1998 .

[143]  Letitia Anne Peplau,et al.  A Longitudinal Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action to Women's Career Behavior1 , 1998 .

[144]  D. Trafimow,et al.  Predicting back pain sufferers' intentions to exercise. , 1998, The Journal of psychology.

[145]  A. Manstead,et al.  Distinguishing between perceived behavioral control and self-efficacy in the domain of academic achievement intentions and behaviors , 1998 .

[146]  James M. Olson,et al.  Values as truisms:evidence and implications , 1998 .

[147]  N. Feather,et al.  Values and valences: Variables relating to the attractiveness and choice of food in different contexts. , 1998 .

[148]  Mark P. Zanna,et al.  Assessing the Impact of Affective and Cognitive Information in Predicting Attitudes toward Capital Punishment , 1998 .

[149]  D. Trafimow,et al.  Does the Temporal Stability of Behavioral Intentions Moderate Intention-Behavior and Past Behavior-Future Behavior Relations? , 1999 .

[150]  A. Baglioni,et al.  Cigarette use by adolescents: attitude-behavior relationships. , 1999, Substance use & misuse.

[151]  Mark R. Lepper,et al.  Activation of exemplars in the process of assessing social category attitudes. , 1999 .

[152]  Auke Tellegen,et al.  Issues in dimensional structure of affect--Effects of descriptors, measurement error, and response formats: Comment on Russell and Carroll (1999). , 1999 .

[153]  M. Banaji,et al.  When fair is foul and foul is fair: reverse priming in automatic evaluation. , 1999, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[154]  P N Johnson-Laird,et al.  Deductive reasoning. , 1999, Annual review of psychology.

[155]  R. Fazio,et al.  The MODE model of attitude-behavior processes. , 1999 .

[156]  Icek Ajzen,et al.  Depth of processing, belief congruence, and attitude-behavior correspondence. , 1999 .

[157]  Deanna S. Kempf Attitude formation from product trial: Distinct roles of cognition and affect for hedonic and functional products , 1999 .

[158]  Peter Lunt,et al.  The effect of advertising message involvement on brand attitude accessibility , 1999 .

[159]  Mark Conner,et al.  The theory of planned behaviour: Assessment of predictive validity and 'perceived control , 1999 .

[160]  M. Zanna,et al.  "Remembering" dissonance: Simultaneous accessibility of inconsistent cognitive elements moderates epistemic discomfort. , 1999 .

[161]  P Norman,et al.  The theory of planned behavior and smoking cessation. , 1999, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

[162]  M. Conner,et al.  Interaction effects in the theory of planned behaviour: studying cannabis use. , 1999, The British journal of social psychology.

[163]  P. Gollwitzer Implementation intentions: Strong effects of simple plans. , 1999 .

[164]  D. Trafimow,et al.  The Importance of Subjective Norms on Intentions to Perform Health Behaviors , 1999 .

[165]  H. Staats,et al.  Explaining Proenvironmental Intention and Behavior by Personal Norms and the Theory of Planned Behavior1 , 1999 .

[166]  Donald F. Dansereau,et al.  Effects of Directed Thinking on Intentions to Engage in Beneficial Activities: Actions Versus Reasons1 , 1999 .

[167]  Mark Conner,et al.  Distinguishing Perceptions of Control From Self‐Efficacy: Predicting Consumption of a Low‐Fat Diet Using the Theory of Planned Behavior , 1999 .

[168]  Roger Giner-Sorolla,et al.  Affect in attitude: Immediate and deliberative perspectives. , 1999 .

[169]  R. P. McGlynn,et al.  Fear or Moral Indignation? Predicting Attitudes Toward Parolees1 , 1999 .

[170]  J. M. Carroll,et al.  On the bipolarity of positive and negative affect. , 1999, Psychological bulletin.

[171]  Luigi Leone,et al.  A comparison of three models of attitude-behavior relationships in the studying behavior domain , 1999 .

[172]  R. Sanitioso,et al.  Gay Asian Australians’ Safer‐Sex Behavior and Behavioral Skills: The Predictive Utility of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Cultural Factors1 , 1999 .

[173]  Mark R. Lepper,et al.  Attitude Representation Theory , 1999 .

[174]  Robert J. Schinke,et al.  Does the Theory of Planned Behavior Mediate the Relation Between Personality and Exercise Behavior , 1999 .

[175]  Roger Giner-Sorolla,et al.  The automatic evaluation of pictures , 1999 .

[176]  Mark P. Zanna,et al.  Cognition, Affect, and the Prediction of Social Attitudes , 1999 .

[177]  P. Sheeran,et al.  Implementation intentions and repeated behaviour: augmenting the predictive validity of the theory of planned behaviour , 1999 .

[178]  P. Sheeran,et al.  Predicting intentions to use condoms: a meta-analysis and comparison of the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior. , 1999 .

[179]  T. Chartrand,et al.  THE UNBEARABLE AUTOMATICITY OF BEING , 1999 .

[180]  B. Verplanken,et al.  Good intentions, bad habits, and effects of forming implementation intentions on healthy eating , 1999 .

[181]  Norbert Schwarz,et al.  Forming Judgments of Attitude Certainty, Intensity, and Importance: The Role of Subjective Experiences , 1999 .

[182]  M. Conner,et al.  Differential effects of mood on information processing: Evidence from the theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour , 1999 .

[183]  P. Sheeran,et al.  Evidence that intentions based on attitudes better predict behaviour than intentions based on subjective norms. , 1999 .

[184]  Mark Conner,et al.  Alcohol Consumption and the Theory of Planned Behavior: An Examination of the Cognitive Mediation of Past Behaviorid , 1999 .

[185]  P. Sheeran,et al.  Augmenting the Theory of Planned Behavior: Roles for Anticipated Regret and Descriptive Norms , 1999 .

[186]  H. Montgomery,et al.  Double Denial in Attitude Formation1 , 1999 .

[187]  C. Friedenreich,et al.  Understanding exercise motivation in colorectal cancer patients: A prospective study using the theory of planned behavior. , 1999 .


[189]  S. Chaiken,et al.  The impact of attitudes on memory: an affair to remember. , 1999, Psychological bulletin.

[190]  S. Chaiken,et al.  Personality and Social Psychology Bulle- Tin Chen, Bargh / Consequences of Automatic Evaluation Immediate Behavioral Predispositions to Approach or Avoid the Stimulus , 2022 .

[191]  W. Wood Attitude change: persuasion and social influence. , 2000, Annual review of psychology.

[192]  Arthur B. Markman,et al.  The influence of goals on value and choice , 2000 .

[193]  W. Stroebe,et al.  Safer Sex in Social Context: Individualistic and Relational Determinants of AIDS‐Preventive Behavior Among Gay Men1 , 2000 .

[194]  F. Fincham,et al.  Attitudinal Ambivalence Toward Parents and Attachment Style , 2000 .

[195]  Antony Stephen Reid Manstead,et al.  The importance of being selective: weighing the role of attribute importance in attitudinal judgment , 2000 .

[196]  Mark Conner,et al.  Attitudinal Ambivalence: A Test of Three Key Hypotheses , 2000 .

[197]  Antony Stephen Reid Manstead,et al.  The role of moral norm in the attitude-behavior relationship , 2000 .

[198]  Timothy D. Wilson,et al.  A model of dual attitudes. , 2000, Psychological review.

[199]  P. Sheeran,et al.  Temporal stability as a moderator of relationships in the Theory of Planned Behaviour. , 2000, The British journal of social psychology.

[200]  H. Aarts,et al.  Habits as knowledge structures: Automaticity in goal-directed behavior , 2000 .

[201]  J van der Pligt,et al.  The structure of attitudes: attribute importance, accessibility and judgment. , 2000, The British journal of social psychology.

[202]  James M. Olson,et al.  Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes. , 2000 .

[203]  I. Ajzen,et al.  Attitudes and the Attitude-Behavior Relation: Reasoned and Automatic Processes , 2000 .

[204]  M. Lepper,et al.  Is a rose always a rose ? The role of social category exemplar change in attitude stability and attitude-behavior consistency , 1997 .

[205]  R. Rosenthal,et al.  Meta-analysis: recent developments in quantitative methods for literature reviews. , 2001, Annual review of psychology.