“Crash Pendulum” energy absorption test system

In this study, a novel “crash pendulum” test system which enables the observation of energy absorption capabilities of the materials/structures was developed. The system works with two simple pendulum principles and allows free mass collision axially. On the system, each mass block fixed to pendulum arm has an energy capacity of 4 kJ and moves at a velocity of 8 m/s. The data for the velocity of the mass block versus time were derived from the data for the angular displacement versus time. Kinetic energy was calculated by processing the velocity–time data with momentum equations. Restitution coefficient (e) of materials/structures on the contact region and mean impulsive force can also be calculated. In this study, steel and foam materials, whose restitution coefficient had already been known, were tested to validate the system. Finally, characteristics of a cylindrical aluminum tube were measured and then compared with the values which are available in the literature.