Automated DHM Modeling for Integrated Alpha-Numeric and Geometric Assembly Planning

Digital Human Model (DHM) simulations are established as alternative to prototype based assembly verification. Prohibitive modeling effort constrains its application to selected tasks. In this work, a novel methodology is introduced to automatically generate DHM assembly simulations from textually planned assembly processes. The methodology is based on the software ema, which employs a human movement database mapped to building blocks. The methodology is evaluated using a model for a car interior pre-assembly station at Daimler AG. It is compared to state of the art process verification with prototypes, classical DHM modeling and manual application of ema. Most of the processes can be identified and half of them are realistically modeled. The presented methodology is a promising approach towards automating DHM modeling for process verification. Such a feature could help integrating today’s alpha-numerical process planning to 3D geometric planning because no CAD expertise is required.