Study on Virtual Control of a Robotic Arm via a Myo Armband for the Self- Manipulation of a Hand Amputee

This paper proposes a Myo device that has electromyography (EMG) sensors for detecting electrical activities from different parts of the forearm muscles; it also has a gyroscope and an accelerometer. EMG sensors detect and provide very clear and important data from muscles compared with other types of sensors. The Myo armband sends data from EMG, gyroscope, and accelerometer sensors to a computer via Bluetooth and uses these data to control a virtual robotic arm which was built in Unity 3D. Virtual robotic arms based on EMG, gyroscope, and accelerometer sensors have different features. A robotic arm based on EMG is controlled by using the tension and relaxation of muscles. Consequently, a virtual robotic arm based on EMG is preferred for a hand amputee to a virtual robotic arm based on a gyroscope and an accelerometer