American Academy of Pediatrics Newborn Screening Task Force Recommendations: How Far Have We Come?

The partnership of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)/Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for improving health care for all children has long been recognized. In 1998, the establishment of the Newborn Screening Task Force marked a major initiative in addressing the needs of the newborn screening system. At the request of HRSA/MCHB, the AAP convened the task force to ensure that pediatric clinicians assumed a leadership role in examining the totality of the newborn screening system, including the necessary linkage to medical homes. The task force's report, published in 2000, outlined major recommendations for federal, state, and other national partners in addressing the identified barriers and needed enhancements of the care delivery system. Today, manifestations of the task force's recommendations are evident, many of which occurred under the leadership of HRSA/MCHB and the AAP. These activities are detailed in this article, with a discussion of future progression toward a quality, consistent, coordinated system of care for children identified with positive newborn screening results, their families, and the child health professionals who care for them.

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