The Design and Analysis of Factorial Experiments

THE publications of the various Imperial Bureaux are necessarily of very unequal scientific value, and naturally also, appeal to very different bodies of scientific workers. Their format and presentation are not such as to excite an expectation of material of wide interest. Thus, the reader who encounters first in large letters "Imperial Bureau of Soil Science", and then the somewhat repellent caption "Technical Communication No. 35", is not well prepared for the exceptional interest of the material presented by Mr. Yates in the monograph under notice. It should, therefore, be stated at once that this particular publication has been awaited eagerly by experimenters in all parts of the world, and that in providing, not only a much needed compendium of well-established designs, but also the practical solutions of a number of the problems outstanding, it will more than justify the expectations that have been formed.The Design and Analysis of Factorial ExperimentsBy F. Yates. (Imperial Bureau of Soil Science. Technical Communication No. 35.) Pp. 96. (Harpenden: Imperial Bureau of Soil Science, 1937.) 5s.