Radio frequency transmission in a semicircular tunnel containing a braided coaxial cable is considered. The general formulation accounts for both the ohmic losses in the tunnel wall and a thin lossy film layer on the outer surface of the dielectric jacket of the cable. Using a quasi-static approximation, it is found that the propagation constants of the low-frequency transmission line modes are obtained through the solution of a cubic equation. However, for the special case when the conductivity thickness product of the Iossy film layer vanishes, this cubic equation reduces to a quadratic. The spatially dispersive form of the braid transfer impedance is also accounted for. It is shown that the quasistatic theory is well justified for frequencies as high as 100 MHz for typical tunnel geometries. Finally, special characteristic impedances are derived for the various modes of the equivalent multiconductor transmission line.
Kendall Casey.
On the Effective Transfer Impedance of Thin Coaxial Cable Shields
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
James R. Wait,et al.
Propagation Along a Braided Coaxial Cable in a Circular Tunnel
David Hill,et al.
Analysis of Radio Frequency Transmission along a Trolley Wire in a Mine Tunnel
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
James R. Wait,et al.
Influence of Spatial Dispersion of the Shield Transfer Impedance of a Braided Coaxial Cable (Letters)
J. C. Beal,et al.
Continuous-access guided communication (CAGC) for ground-transportation systems