The ability to conduct concurrent, multiple aircraft operations in poor weather at virtually any airport offers an important opportunity for a significant increase in the rate of flight operations, a major improvement in passenger convenience, and the potential to foster growth of operations at small airports. The Small Aircraft Transportation System, (SATS) Higher Volume Operations (HVO) concept is designed to increase capacity at the 3400 non-radar, non-towered airports in the United States where operations are currently restricted to one-in/one-out procedural separation during low visibility or ceilings. The concept s key feature is that pilots maintain their own separation from other aircraft using air-to-air datalink and on-board software within the Self-Controlled Area (SCA), an area of flight operations established during poor visibility and low ceilings around an airport without Air Traffic Control (ATC) services. While pilots self-separate within the SCA, an Airport Management Module (AMM) located at the airport assigns arriving pilots their sequence based on aircraft performance, position, winds, missed approach requirements, and ATC intent. The HVO design uses distributed decision-making, safe procedures, attempts to minimize pilot and controller workload, and integrates with today's ATC environment. The HVO procedures have pilots make their own flight path decisions when flying in Instrument Metrological Conditions (IMC) while meeting these requirements. This paper summarizes the HVO concept and procedures, presents a summary of the research conducted and results, and outlines areas where future HVO research is required. More information about SATS HVO can be found at
Frank J. L. Bussink,et al.
Flight Experiment Investigation of General Aviation Self-Separation and Sequencing Tasks
Daniel M. Williams.
Point-to-Point! Validation of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Higher Volume Operations Concept
S.A. Viken,et al.
Demonstration of four operating capabilities to enable a small aircraft transportation system
24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference.
S. Conway,et al.
SATS HVO procedures for priority landings and mixed VFR/IFR operations
24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference.
Gilles Dowek,et al.
Modeling and verification of an air traffic concept of operations
ISSTA '04.
R.C. Davis,et al.
The design and evaluation of a traffic situation display for a SATS self controlled area
24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference.
S. Conway,et al.
The pilot advisor: assessing the need for a procedural advisory tool
24th Digital Avionics Systems Conference.
Daniel M. Williams,et al.
Preliminary Validation of the Small Aircraft Transportation System Higher Volume Operations (SATS HVO) Concept