Throughput of slotted Aloha systems in mixed Rician-Nakagami fading environments with a minimum signal power constraint

The throughput of slotted Aloha in a fading environment is investigated with the consideration of both minimum carrier-to-interference ratio and minimum carrier-to-noise ratio constraints. In particular, Nakagami/Rician and Rician/Nakagami fading combinations with the assumption of independent identical distributed (i.i.d.) interferers are studied. After representing the throughput of slotted Aloha in terms of outage probability, closed-form expressions of outage probability for the chosen fading scenarios are derived. These expressions are given in terms of the Marcum Q-function and modified Bessel functions, and therefore readily allow numerical evaluation for various cases of practical interest. In addition, numerical examples of the throughput of the slotted Aloha system under both fading combinations with a minimum power constraint have been provided and discussed.