Conflicts Management Strategies: A Tool for Industrial Harmony
The non-existence of conflict may suggest tyranny, stagnation and uniformity; while its presence can be symptomatic of democracy, growth, self-actualization and diversity. Sequel to this assertion, this study therefore examines conflict management strategies as a tool for industrial harmony. The specific objective of this research is to investigate different strategies that can be explored by organizations in achieving industrial harmony. A sample size of 296 respondents was adopted from the working population of one thousand, one hundred and forty eight (1,148) employees. The data were generated through the use of structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Findings from the study revealed that collective bargaining strategy has a moderately significant relationship with industrial harmony (r=0.418, P 0.05) and avoidance strategy (r=0.131, P>0.05) has no significant relationship with industrial harmony. The study concluded that for industrial harmony to be achieved, organizations need to consider collective bargaining strategy as a tool, as well as other integrative conflict management strategies such as; accommodation, reconciliation, and negotiation. It was recommended that organizations should adopt a participatory style of management rather than an autocratic style. Also, avenue for dialogue, taking part in decision making process, workshop and seminars that centered on organizational conflict management should be organized for the staff, in order to achieve the stated goals of the business.