The grammar of causation and interpersonal manipulation

1. Preface 2. Appreciation (by Davis, Philip W.) 3. Abbreviations 4. Introduction: Some basic issues in the grammar of causation (by Shibatani, Masayoshi) 5. Cooperation and interpersonal manipulation in the society of intimates (by Givon, T.) 6. Verbs of interpersonal causality and the folk theory of mind and behavior (by Malle, Bertram F.) 7. The causative continuum (by Shibatani, Masayoshi) 8. Causation, constructions, and language ecology: An example from French (by Achard, Michel) 9. Tarascan causatives and event complexity (by Maldonado, Ricardo) 10. Some constraints on Cora causative constructions (by Vazquez Soto, Veronica) 11. Olutec causatives and applicatives (by Zavala, Roberto) 12. On some causative doublets in Classical Nahuatl (by Launey, Michel) 13. The notion of transfer in Sikuani causatives (by Queixalos, Francesc) 14. Causative constructions in Akawaio (by Stefanowitsch, Anatol) 15. Causation in Matses (Panoan, Amazonian Peru) (by Fleck, David W.) 16. Causativization and transitivity in Shipibo-Konibo (by Valenzuela, Pilar M.) 17. Causatives in Asheninka: The case for a sociative source (by Payne, David) 18. Guarani causative constructions (by Velazquez-Castillo, Maura) 19. General index