Accident animation: complexity of integrating accident scene data from multiple sources, and the value of these animations in promoting and improving transportation safety
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an independent agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation accidents and promoting transportation safety. Improving the safety of the nation's transportation system requires prompt, thorough, and valid investigations of accidents, incidents, and other anomalies in order to identify issues and recommend improvements. A large volume of highly complex and diverse data frequently obscures the relationship between vehicle performance, human operator inputs, and the traffic system. Investigators must integrate these data to understand causes and contributing factors and then explain these facts to policy makers and the public to promote the actions needed to improve transportation safety. The NTSB often integrates accident data into three-dimensional animations to reconstruct and illustrate accident sequences to better explain accident events, the probable cause, and the safety issues. This paper examines the various types of accident data sources and how they are processed and integrated into animations using an aviation accident and a marine accident as examples.