Modelling Survival Data in Medical Research
methods used for selection problems. Topics of these ve chapters are lognormal estimation, Gaussian anamorphosis with Hermite polynomials, isofactorial models, isofactorial change of support, and kriging with discrete point-bloc models. Much of this material originally appeared in French-language reports from the people at Fontainebleau. These chapters are heavily mathematical, with minimal support from a few practical illustrations. Also new is a case study on using cokriging that is applied to estimation problems with data from an estuary on the Ebro River. This material is part of the author’s effort to reach the large audience for geostatistical applications in environmental studies. There is also new material on collocated cokriging, which results in a separate chapter for this topic. The author’s writing style is terse—of course, if I tried to write a book in French, it would be terse as well. No lack of completeness occurs with the development of the methodology, which is very precise. There is some illustration with real applications, although the Ebro river example is the only case study presented.