Global Civil Society?: Preface

Preface 1. Unfamiliar words 2. Catalysts 3. Cosmocracy 4. Paradise on Earth? 5. Ethics across borders 6. Further reading.

[1]  E. Boulding Building a Global Civic Culture. Education for an Interdependent World. The John Dewey Lecture. , 1988 .

[2]  Grahame F. Thompson,et al.  Globalization in Question , 1996 .

[3]  G. Bass Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals , 2000 .

[4]  P. Dicken,et al.  The Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance , 2000 .

[5]  D. Korten Globalizing Civil Society: Reclaiming Our Right to Power , 1998 .

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