The Hebeloma cylindrosporum HcPT2 Pi transporter plays a key role in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis.

Through a mutualistic relationship with woody plant roots, ectomycorrhizal fungi provide growth-limiting nutrients, including inorganic phosphate (Pi), to their host. Reciprocal trades occur at the Hartig net, which is the symbiotic interface of ectomycorrhizas where the two partners are symplasmically isolated. Fungal Pi must be exported to the symbiotic interface, but the proteins facilitating this transfer are unknown. In the present study, we combined transcriptomic, microscopy, whole plant physiology, X-ray fluorescence mapping, 32 P labeling and fungal genetic approaches to unravel the role of HcPT2, a fungal Pi transporter, during the Hebeloma cylindrosporum-Pinus pinaster ectomycorrhizal association. We localized HcPT2 in the extra-radical hyphae and the Hartig net and demonstrated its determinant role for both the establishment of ectomycorrhizas and Pi allocation towards P. pinaster. We showed that the host plant induces HcPT2 expression and that the artificial overexpression of HcPT2 is sufficient to significantly enhance Pi export towards the central cylinder. Together, our results reveal that HcPT2 plays an important role in ectomycorrhizal symbiosis, affecting both Pi influx in the mycelium and efflux towards roots under the control of P. pinaster.

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