Special Issue on Reverse Engineering and Computational Metrology: Part 2 - Computational Metrology Strategies and Methods

Computational metrology has recently begun to play a promient role in the evolution of engineering systems and the improveent of production technologies. Indeed, this field has become ssential due to the use of advanced inspection technologies in anufacturing industries. These technologies, primarily emerging canning technologies such as coordinate measuring machines CMMs , laser scanners, and three-dimensional cameras, have led o rising industrial demands for digital geometric processing DGP of sampled data. In response, new methodologies have een developed to cope with the complex metrology problems of ata fusion, surface reconstruction, feature verification, and hanling tolerances of sampled data. These computational metrology ethods are used mainly for design, manufacturing, inspection, nd quality control applications. This series of special issues focuses on methodologies, fundaental theories and practical solutions for reverse engineering and omputational metrology. The previous issue Journal of Computng and Information Science in Engineering Vol. 6 issue 4, Deember 2006 presented the state-of-the-art research in reverse ngineering and surface reconstruction. The current issue focuses n emerging measurement techniques, computational metrology, nd software algorithms for analyzing data from measuring deices, including laser scanners and CMMs. The fourteen papers in this issue cover a wide variety of topics, ictated by the interests of the engineering, scientific, and manuacturing communities: