Compliance of WHO and UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage (WUENIC) with Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER) criteria

Background : The objective of the study was to assess compliance of the WHO and UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage (WUENIC) against the 18 criteria of the Guidelines for Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER) that define and promote good practice in reporting of global health estimates. Methods : We conducted a desk review of the WUENIC estimation and reporting process vis-a-vis each of the 18 GATHER criteria to complete a self-assessment of compliance with GATHER. Results : Overall, WUENIC estimates are fully compliant with 17 of the GATHER criteria and partially compliant with one criterion—criterion 11, which is related to candidate model evaluation and final model selection. Conclusion : The GATHER criteria provide a useful framework for documenting WUENIC’s compliance with contemporary reporting requirements. Given the role of vaccination coverage estimates in global monitoring and guiding disease control efforts, WHO and UNICEF strive to produce and publish robust estimates of vaccination coverage through a transparent process that emphasizes country involvement.