Information representation of neurons and neuronal networks derived from information content analysis of spike trains
immobility time. Tukey’s multicomparison test showed significant difference in the immobility time between LH + VPA group and LH + saline group. In immunohistochemistry study, 2-way ANOVA indicated a significant interaction between drug treatment and LH pretreatment in most subregions of the hippocampus, such that LH + VPA rats showed significantly larger expression of synapsin 1 than the other groups. As regard MAP-2, 2-way ANOVA also indicated a similar interaction with LH + saline rats showing smaller expression in stratum oriens in CA3 region. In addition, LH pretreatment caused a main inhibitory effect in hilus, inner molecular and pyramidal cell layers in CA3 region. These results suggest that VPA could improve the tolerance for the stress by changing the expression of synapse-related proteins.