Analysis of Factors in Technological and Vocational School Teachers' Perceived Organizational Innovative Climate and Continuous Use of E-Teaching: Using Computer Self-Efficacy as an Intervening Variable

This study aims to analyze the correlation (N=335) among technological and vocational school teachers’ perceived organizational innovative climate, computer self-efficacy, and continuous use of e-teaching in Taiwan. Teachers’ perceived organizational innovative climate includes five factors, namely, job autonomy, innovative leadership, resource support, innovative culture, and group cohesion. Computer self-efficacy includes four factors, namely, playfulness, ease of use, effectiveness, and usefulness. Continuous use of e-teaching includes three factors, namely, goal identification, instructional performance, and flow experience. Participants responded to a 5-point Likert-type scale for each factor. Analysis was conducted using the structural equation modeling (SEM), and a good model fit was found for both the measurement and structural models. Research findings demonstrate that technological and vocational schools teachers’ organizational innovative climate significantly and directly influences continuous use of e-teaching. Organizational innovative climate significantly and indirectly influences continuous use of e-teaching by computer selfefficacy. Technological and vocational schools teachers’ organizational innovative climate and computer self-efficacy fit the influence model and empirical data of continuous use of e-teaching.

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