NDVS: A System of News Data Visualize

This article leads the concept of data visualization into the huge amounts of news data, design and implements a system of News Data Visual System (NDVS). It is a news gathering, analysis, structured storage and visual analysis system. NDVS collects news data in the schedule time from seeds website by a web spider that written by java every day. The structured documents that processed and analyzed by detached parameters from URL and classify news will be saved in distributed database of NOSQL -- MongoDB. WEB will visually and interactively animate the documents in the means of D3.js. Design and realization of NDVS will be emphasized in the article, and we find that NDVS has a good capability when lots of clients concurrent access. We believe NDVS will become a useful tool between news and media works, because system follows the usability policy that helps people to find the potential tendency of news' development and guide the public opinion in the stage of visualization design.