Solid object visualization of 3D ultrasound data

Visualization of volumetric medical data is challenging. Rapid-prototyping (RP) equipment producing solid object prototype models of computer generated structures is directly applicable to visualization of medical anatomic data. The purpose of this study was to develop methods for transferring 3D Ultrasound (3DUS) data to RP equipment for visualization of patient anatomy. 3DUS data were acquired using research and clinical scanning systems. Scaling information was preserved and the data were segmented using threshold and local operators to extract features of interest, converted from voxel raster coordinate format to a set of polygons representing an iso-surface and transferred to the RP machine to create a solid 3D object. Fabrication required 30 to 60 minutes depending on object size and complexity. After creation the model could be touched and viewed. A '3D visualization hardcopy device' has advantages for conveying spatial relations compared to visualization using computer display systems. The hardcopy model may be used for teaching or therapy planning. Objects may be produced at the exact dimension of the original object or scaled up (or down) to facilitate matching the viewers reference frame more optimally. RP models represent a useful means of communicating important information in a tangible fashion to patients and physicians.