Directions for Palliative Care Nursing in Canada: Report of a National Survey

This paper reports the results of a national survey of palliative care nurses conducted following a meeting of nurses at the Fifth Canadian Palliative Care Association Conference in 1993. The intent of the survey was to obtain information about Canadian palliative care nurses's perceptions of practice and professional issues. Eighty percent of respondents believed that palliative care nurses should form a palliative care nurses’ organization, with the majority recommending that this occur under the auspices of the Canadian Palliative Care Association. Key issues of importance to palliative care nurses were identified. The two major issues of concern were (a) the need to develop standards of practice and (b) educational needs of palliative care nurses. Respondents also emphasized the importance of maintaining and fostering an interdisciplinary approach to palliative care. Results of this survey are to be further discussed at the Sixth Canadian Palliative Care Association Conference to be held in Halifax in October 1995.