A heavy-ion accelerator complex has been designed for rare isotope beam production utilizing both in-flight fragmentation and ISOL methods in Korea. The project had been planned with conceptual design efforts, and was officially launched in January this year. The driver accelerator is a superconducting linac with a beam power of 400 kW. The uranium beam for projectile fragmentation is to be accelerated to 200 MeV/u. The inflight fragment separator can be divided into pre and main separators. The target system and beam dump to handle the full beam power are located in the front part of the pre-separator. Radiation transport and shielding have been studied using PHITS and MCNPX. Beam optics design performed in the previous conceptual study is being further optimized. The separator will be composed of superconducting quadrupole magnets and conventional dipole magnets. Prototyping of the superconducting magnets is planned.