Study on molecular sieve absorption of ground state HF molecules in a non-chain pulsed HF Laser

This paper describes the principle of non-chain pulsed HF laser, and analyzes the reason why the laser energy dropped severely with the accumulation of shots when the HF laser was in repetitive operation. In order to solve this problem, a molecular sieve absorption device was designed and mounted in the recirculation loop of the HF laser. Measurements of flow velocity indicated that the absorption device would just introduce a small decrease of flow velocity which would not influence the laser operation. Several types of molecular sieve (3A,4A,5A,13X) were used in absorbing experiments and the experiment results inferred that 3A molecular sieve was the most effective sorbent. All the experiments showed that the average drop of the output energy was not more than 5% after 1000 shots at 50Hz/20s. Compared to the energy drop of about 40% without the device, the absorption device could significantly improve the stability of the HF laser output energy and prolong the lifespan of laser medium gases.